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Due to the most recent update of product produced by the DialMoMentz crew items are not avalible on the DialMoMenz Shop Store website at this time items will be for purchase as of the the following month of october please check the site for updates on clothing shoes and more detailes on upcoming product Thank You
For More information be contact by email, facebook or twitter from the contct page location from the home screen on the the DialMoMentz blog.
Due to the most recent update of product produced by the DialMoMentz crew items are not avalible on the DialMoMenz Shop Store website at this time items will be for purchase as of the the following month of october please check the site for updates on clothing shoes and more detailes on upcoming product Thank You
For More information be contact by email, facebook or twitter from the contct page location from the home screen on the the DialMoMentz blog.